
Friday, November 21, 2008

Scare Face A1 Phase5: Legs

Not much it was done today, but oh well...
Maybe I'll work on something on the weekend

Thursday, November 20, 2008

F-16C phase1

This time I'll repair a old model. It was done for diferent porposes so I need to modify it to fill my actual needs. I removed all the parts of the E version and the actual model have about 2500 triangles, it's perfect for a low detail. But lacks some important details and some areas are not quite right. After the corrections, I'll work on the medium detail version.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Scare Face A1 Phase4

I wonder if should start repairing the old aircraft models or start a new, of maybe texturing the t-50 pak-fa.(the last option would be the best thing to do, but as always, I lacking of free time. So I generaly chose a option with more faster results) So as a break, the Scare face will continue being developed.

Friday, November 14, 2008

T-50 Pak-Fa A Phase7 Completed

As I hoped, I finished it today. And I was pleasent surprise to notice that the finish model has 4500 triangles, almost half of my dead line. So I have pleny of poligons to spare to improve de detail. But I'll use this version as a "medium detail" in the LOD.
Also I made a version with the su-47 canards

Scare Face A1 Phase3

This week I've been extremly busy, so unfortunatly couldn't more on the models. As you can see the step betwen this phase and the last one hasn't been much.
Though I've have very litle time today I still hope in finishing the t-50 this day.

Friday, November 7, 2008

T-50 Pak-Fa A Phase6

The cut in the fuselage is done and it looks beter than I expected. The cockpit is partialy done (for the outside view), also I started to saperate some of the the flaps from the main fuselage. But it's hard to notice looking at the picture.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

T-50 Pak-Fa A Phase5

The model still lacks on the cockpit. Unfortunately I can't escape from it any longer...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

T-50 Pak-Fa A Phase4

I polished the fuselage, it had some imperfections. Maybe it wasn't noticible unless on close range, but did it none the less. A carefully buid geometry can save me a lot of polys.
In case of the finished model has a lot less than my goal, I'll and extra detail afterwards. I prefer that way insted of removing detail to be under the dead line.
About the model: the wings still don't have the rear flaps and airlerons.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Scare Face A1 Phase2

Continuing on building the main frame...