
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Armoured Suit Phase6: Legs 2

Now I think the legs are going fine. I added some extra detail on the inner frame. It's hard to see, but I didn't spend too much time on it. bump map is still missing.

Armoured Suit Phase5: Legs

this legs are anoying. TOO ROUND!
but the worst part is done, now what's missing is the unarmoured joints and interior.
maybe later I rework the main body's leg joints, they are not aligned correctly and are a bit to small to suport legs off this size.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Strike Freedom

I decided to model my first gundam and I pick the none other than the (in)famous Strike Freedom. Maybe it would be better if I picked a simpler gundam. I'm not expecting that it will come out somethig great. if the final result don't satisfy me i'll redo when I have more experiance with gundams. So far the head is So-So, the proporcions are wrong, but I'll work on that.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Futuristic AttackChoper stage 2: back

I finished working on the back, after this I have to work on the landing gear and cocpit.
It's going smoothly except on the big engine and the little one next to it, I'm not yet sure if I'm going to do that way. I'm having a little trouble in understanding it. maybe it's my sense of perspective... but oh well...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Armoured Suit phase4

Now I'm working on the joints, it's a little dificult, because in the concept it's hard to notice them, and the parts I see I don't undersand much. I'm trying to repreduce the best I can, but some things I'll be making up.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Su-27 Phase 4

it's finished. For now its done, the uv map is completed but i'll work on the texture later.

Armoured Suit phase3

Not much it was done. Not that I'm becaming lazy, just something came up and now I'm a bit busy.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Su-27 phase3

A little step forward... the interior of the intakes is not done yet.

Su-47 texture completed

Texture is completed. I'm pleased to see how turned out.
I like this skin, but maybe later i'll do the original painting. Now is time to finish of with su-27. I don't have too many unfinished models.

Su-47 Phase6

the my favorite plane is done, finaly. time to work on the UV map and textures.
but that: tomorow (maybe) Today I won't do anything more, I need to sleep.

Su-27 phase2

The plane is looking good, but there is some things I need to improve.
I'm a bit tired, time to take a break.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Su-47 phase 5

It's almost completed. it needs a little more work but is almost done.

Su-27 phase1

The Sukhoi Su-27 is a jet fighter plane originally manufactured by the Soviet Union, and designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. It was intended as a direct competitor for the new generation of American fighters (which emerged as the F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and F/A-18 Hornet), with long range, heavy armament, and very high agility. The Su-27 most often flies air superiority missions, but is able to perform almost all combat operations. Its closest American counterpart is the F-15 Eagle.

Su-47 Phase4

The bottom, cocpit and other details are stil missing. I'm still having a hard time with the intakes.

Armoured Suit phase2

I'm done for now, I'm a little slippy. I continue tomorrow

Armoured Suit phase1

Again another model based on a unknown concept art.
I'm sarting a little slow, I'm creating the volume first latter I'll give detail.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

F-117 completed

This one it was one of the most easiest to do.
F-117 Nighthawk is a stealth ground attack aircraft formerly operated by the United States Air Force. The F-117A's first flight was in 1981, and it achieved Initial Operational Capability status in October 1983.The F-117A was "acknowledged" and revealed to the world in November 1988.

X-02 with texture

texture completed. Next model!

X-02 Super aircraft

X-02 Wyvern, one of the super Aircrafts of Ace combat Saga, and also one of the most popular.
it took me a while in modeling it, some details were tough because, but it's all over now. Next step is texturing. Maybe later I rework some details were I was more lazy.

Su-47 Phase3

The model is looking well, also I'm enjoying a lot modeling it. It may look almost completed but the bottom is not done yet, I need to gather more referece pics of the air intakes.

A-10 Almost Completed

this peculiar aircraf is almost done, it only needs some retexturing. this texture is only temporary.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Su-47 phase 2

not much is done. I worked a little on the wings. I'm a little busy with other things.

Su-47 Takeoff

One of my favorite Aircrafts ever. Originally known as the S-37, Sukhoi redesignated its advanced test aircraft as the Su-47 in 2002. Officially nicknamed Berkut (Golden Eagle), the Su-47 was originally built as Russia's principal testbed for composite materials and sophisticated fly-by-wire control systems. The aircraft makes use of forward-swept wings allowing superb maneuverability and operation at angles of attack up to 45° or more.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

F16E texture phase1

just working with the texture. the maping is completed, it took more time than I espected.