
Monday, July 21, 2008

Futuristic AttackChoper stage 1

The model was base on this concept art I've found on the web.
unfortunatly I don't remenber who is the autor, so I can't give his rightful credit.
About the model: modeling ~80%
no texture yet-

Aswan stage 1

This is aswan. a space battle ship from advance of zeta (gundam). I don't know much about this one. From what I know is the standard battle ship.

the modeling is almost done. the texturing is only begining.

F-16E model completed

So, to begin, I’ll start of F-16E. An extended-range variant of the F-16C/D fitted with conformal fuel tanks that granted it a 40% greater range over the standard Block 50.
The model is complete, so the next step is texturing.